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Abronson Law Offices

Joint Injuries

  • Published: March 5, 2014
So, here is a classic argument with an insurance adjuster: Lawyer: Plaintiff has had constant neck pain for over a year since the accident. They had no problems prior. Nothing seems to help them. Adjuster: The pictures of the vehicles show minimal property damage. Your client couldn't have suffered more than a sprain or strain. I'll offer them $500 as…Read More

  • Published: December 13, 2013
Two car accident injury cases. Both heartbreaking. In one, a family vehicle is broadsided and driven off the road. The occupants suffer sprains, strains, broken bones, PTSD and many more minor injuries. The cause, a blown out tire on another car. The recovery? None. Why? It wasn't the other driver's fault. They had maintained their tires like they should, and the…Read More

  • Published: March 22, 2013
Insights and Commentary Regarding Joint Injuries What are the most common injuries suffered in a car accident? When car accidents occur, injuries can be devastating. Car accident injuries are common, but the most common injuries are joint injuries. The amount of force and pressure applied to the human body during the course of an auto accident is enough to bend steel, shatter…Read More