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You’ve seen the commercials on TV and heard them on the radio; car insurance companies are spending millions of dollars a year to reach you, compel you, and get you to purchase your auto insurance through them. They offer incredible deals, say they have the lowest prices, advertise that they have the best coverage, and even use talking animals or D-List celebrities to hock their wares.
Despite their campaigns ran on honesty, great deals, and comical one-liners, there are auto insurance companies who’ve come under fire for bad faith. The term “bad faith” is a legal term used to describe a breach of contract between an insurance company and the insured. The most common type of insurance bad faith is auto insurance bad faith. Unfortunately, while they try to put on a good face in their TV commercials, some auto insurance companies will act to protect their profits by refusing to pay auto accident insurance claims from contracted and paid insurance policies.
If a driver purchases an auto insurance police and later sustains serious injuries during a head-on collision, the insurance company is contractually obligated to provide a policy payout in an amount up to the maximum policy amount specified on the auto insurance policy statement. When the insurance company refuses to pay on the policy claim so that the insured can pay for medical expenses, they are showing bad faith and can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Click HERE to read more about the Ten Worse Insurance Companies published by the American Association for Justice. This insightful PDF provides in-depth research and valuable information on how insurance companies:
Bad faith auto insurance claims for serious injuries are horrible for accident victims who suffer losses, but that doesn’t stop car insurance companies from trying to keep your money.
If you believe that you’re the victim of bad faith auto insurance, call me for a free no-obligation consultation at 408.687.9155
We are a law firm who fights relentlessly to protect the legal rights of injured victims.
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